Anyway, I reminded my mom that I, too, stepped on a 2 inch nail full of rust when I was little (I think I was 6 or 7 years old back then). I don't know why I didn't tell it to anyone (well, my mom was working and my grandmother... well, I'm not really sure where she was back then), but I remembered it clearly that I just placed a towel on the wound and slept on it thinking that it was just a bad dream and hope it goes away. Anyway, I also remembered that I woke up my mom was like hysterical and saw the blood gushing from my right foot. I didn't remember really what happened after that. My mom said that I was having a fever and I was, I think, going into shock. So they took me to the hospital... actually, that hospital part, I didn't really remember. When she was saying it, I was going... huh? Did that actually happen? Hehehe... maybe along with the medication they brainwashed me or something.
Then my mom also remembered the day my Kuya fell into a ditch/canal/sewer (I'm not really sure what you call that in english). But anyway, it was so dirty. And I think it was so deep. Me and my kuya were kids back then (I think I'm 5 or 6 and he was 7 or 8). I remembered that so well, because it was the day when we visited a dead relative of my cousin. Me, my kuya and my cousin were playing outside. It was kinda dark that my kuya didn't notice a ditch on the side of the road. My cousin and I was thinking where my kuya went. He disappeared all of a sudden. Then we heard he was shouting from the ditch. We went and look and the funny thing is, I rememebered, I was just laughing my ass off. I'm bad, I know. But I was just a kid. I didn't really know what to do. So I called my mom and told her that kuya fell into a ditch (I was still laughing). So they hurriedly ran outside and helped him get out of there. When my brother was out (he was as black as the night covered with icky gooey things), he bashed me on the shoulder. Huh. I guess, I really deserve that. I was so guilty that time. I should've helped him. But that was all in the past. My mom actually doesn't want to remember it. It was so horrifying for her. I can't blame her. ^_^