Sunday, February 06, 2005

Tsunami? Where?

Earlier today, we went to my cousin's place in muntinlupa to celebrate the feast of the Sto. Nino. I remember back then when we were little, everytime when their fiesta comes, me and my kuya would go there the day before the fiesta and sleep over so that in the morning, we could watch the parade of marching bands marching on the streets. There usually were 20 bands that pass by their house and we were so excited... not to mention waiting for those lovely majorettes leading every band. Hehehe... they were a sight to see. In the afternoons, we would go to the Chapel of the Sto. Nino not to pray but to look for certain things to buy. There were a lot of vendors surrounding the chapel. After that, we usually go to the perya or Carnival and usually ride the Caterpillar. I hate the Octopus and the Ferris Wheel. I'm scared to death of them. There were times during noon, we would go to the Aplaya or like a dock or something (because my cousins just live near the bay) and just feel the lake breeze. But now, it's not that adviceable to go there anymore because the air is foul and the water is dirty.

Anyway, back to my main topic. Earlier we were out on the streets when strong winds blew out of nowhere. The sky turned dark and was threatening to rain. Then you would hear some people say "baka tsunami na yan?" ("it could be a tsunami" in English). What the heck are you talking about? It's just windy. A little drizzle here and there. But a tsunami? Heller!!! A tsunami, by all accounts, is a very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption. I know those people live near the bay but Laguna Bay is just a lake. And there was no earthquake. Not even a super typhoon (which can also create tsunamis btw). I don't know... Maybe the whole South Asian Tsunami tragedy hype scared the people. Some could be illiterate or uneducated. Some could also be just making fun of the whole thing. I don't know. But if they do, it's not funny. Well, it is funny in a sense that they don't know what they're talking about.



Blogger Gabeprime said...

Ahh the good old days. How I miss 'em.

8:46 AM  

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