Thursday, February 02, 2006

Nothing To Do

Well, well, well. I didn't realize that it was sometime since I last posted something here on my blog. It's already February and my last one was on November of last year. Right now, I don't have anything to do. Production on our next project isn't officially starting yet. By the way, for those who doesn't know yet, HOODWINKED is already out in the States and made big on its first weekend box-office. Yay! Despite the harsh criticism that it took, Hoodwinked went neck and neck with Disney's Glory Road for the number 1 box-office on Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend. It actually took us by surprise when we went number 1 on some days. In the end, we ended up second. It's not bad... for an independent animation film, that is.

A lot of my friends outside the office keeps asking me whether we had some incentives upon reaching number 2 at the box-office. Well, we were hoping that we would get something out of it, but sadly, there isn't. Though, we WERE promised that we're going to get a raise by the start of the next project. Hopefully they keep their promise. ^_^ Anyway, that's it for now. I'll try to be active in posting something again here at my blog.



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