Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Of Colds and Traffic Schemes

Darn it. Looks like I caught myself the sniffles. I've been sneezing like hell all day. I don't feel that jolly today. Adding the fact that I woke up really early this morning to avoid being caught by authorities because of the color coding scheme. I really feel sleepy, with only this blog to keep me up.

Mental note: There have been alot of traffic schemes that was implemented all over the metro to help ease traffic and the color coding scheme has the wierdest name. The scheme goes that vehicles that has their plate number end in this kind of number can't travel around the metro within a specific time and day. For example. Plate numbers that end up in 1 and 2 must not travel during Mondays from 7am to 7pm (the time depends on the place). Now the wierd part about it is alot of people keeps on calling this traffic scheme the color coding scheme. I really don't know why when the scheme isn't even associated with colors. Oh, I don't know. It's just giving me a really big headache right now. I guess I'm just babbling.



Blogger jose said...

maybe it's because calling it a 'number scheme' will make it sound like a gambling game or worse another way to describe 'gloriagate' - hello garci? how's our number scheme?

4:44 PM  

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