Sunday, April 03, 2005

Farewell, Pope John Paul II

I'm still finding the right words to say right now. Anyway, Pope John Paul II passed away at 9:37 am (Manila time). I was like waiting for final news, last night, about the Pope's condition. When I woke up, it was all over the news. Pope John Paul II just passed away.

It was said that the Pope came to the Philippines way back as 1975 (before he was ever Pope) and 1981. But the only memorable year for me was in 1996 when The World Youth Day was celebrated here in the Philippines. I was part of the World Youth Day. Being in the same place as the Pope back then was such an exhilirating experience. You can feel the emotions running the place. And just by looking at him, silences you and makes you feel at peace with yourself. Feeling sorry for every sin that you've commited. The Pope generated some kind of angelic aura. Ahh... I just feel like sharing my experience with him... not directly ofcourse.

He was the first Pope that I've come to know and cherish. I didn't get to see the first Pope John Paul. Pope John Paul II has done a lot for the world. His successor would have a hard time filling up his shoes.

Anyway, to Pope John Paul II, you have touched my life and millions of other lives across the globe (whatever religion it may be). Eventhough that you're gone, you'll still be in our hearts. You have reminded us that every trial in life can be conquered through prayers. Every conflict can be resolved. I know you won't have a hard time getting into heaven. God has already reserved a seat for you, close to Him. God bless you.

Viva Il Papa!


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