Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Yadda Yadda Yadda

You know, with things like being turned down by girl happens to me, I just can't help myself but feel so damned depressed and pesimistic. As if the whole world crashes around me and I'm not going to find another girl. There will be times that I'll think that I'm so ugly and too fat to get a girl. Well, hey, it's just me.

People will come to me and say that don't worry, or don't get discouraged or maybe she's not the right one for you or things like that. Sheesh... First of all, how would you know if she's not the right one? What if the one was the one you don't like? Crazy? It could be possible. But usually the ones that you like are the ones who doesn't like you. I hate living like this. Sometimes the one who gives advice to me are the ones who have the looks. So how could they possibly give an advice to a person like me when they won't have a problem at that department. Arrrgh...

Sorry, I just tend to rant about these kind of stuff when I'm into this situation. As they say, this, too, shall pass.



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