Sunday, September 04, 2005

Fun Fun Fun

Where to start. Well, last friday, I was supposed to go to a rock concert with my friends (who by the way made the cool MTV for Mojofly. Two thumbs up guys!) but in the last minute, another friend of mine called in and said that he want to celebrate his birthday in advance before going back to Dubai. The friends who I'm "supposed" to be going in the concert happens to be in the same circle of friends as the one who's going to celebrate. Bad luck is, he only announced that he was going to celebrate it on that day, while the concert was planned for some time now. So that means, my other friends can't back out of the concert since they were like "guests of honor" for they made that wicked video. As for me, I don't have a ticket to go to the concert. The plan was when we get there, that's when we'll buy the tickets. Weighing things over, I decided to go to my other friend who was going to celebrate his birthday. I tried to explain to him why the others can't come. If he wasn't stupid enough to call way ahead then they could possibly had come. Anyway, no regrets on my part. Atleast I haven't shelled out P600+ that night and got to eat free pizza instead. We got to celebrate his party with our other friends who are still in the same circle of friends but were working in a different company (uh... sounds confusing, doesn't it?). After the party we got to hang out in one of my friends' apartment and ate the remaining pizza and drink some... soda and watched some Justice League cartoons. The others drank "Lambanog". Anyway, we had fun (especially those guys who were at the concert).

Then yesterday (Saturday), my other group of friends (my college buddies) and I went to Tagaytay to celebrate one of my friend's birthday (also). The bad thing was, it rained so hard that day. But that didn't stop us from enjoying our trip. She treated us to Josephine's and stayed there for some time enjoying the view of Taal Volcano. Sadly, there wasn't much of a view for it was raining and a thick cloud was covering it. We waited for the rain (and the clouds) to subside to get a better view of the volcano. It was awesome. Then we planned on going to a seminary up there but it was alreay closed. So we just went to Starbucks and talked. There I saw Allona. She's a singer btw, for those who are not in the know. Actually, I think I'm the only one who realized that it was Allona. Nobody seemed to know who she is. Oh well, she's cute for an older person. She's like 21. I think she's already in her 40s or late 30s. Anyway, I had a blast that day. We promised that we do that more often like every other saturday or the saturday after pay day. Now that will be fun. Also next time, I'll bring a camera with me. Darn it. Hehehe..

Today, well, nothing really exciting happened today. I slept all morning and in the afternoon I watched a Korean movie called Innocent Steps which starred one of my favorite Korean actresses, Moon Geun-Young. Sigh. She's great in the movie. Oh, the movie's great too. Then I watched Initial D the movie. It's based from a popular manga/anime from Japan with the same title. It's like the japanese version of Fast and the Furious only this one's more dangerous for they have to tackle corners on the mountain. They were like racing like hell downhill using a technique called "drifting". It's cool. I recommend you watch it. It's awesome. Then I went out in the evening and watched a movie called Sky High. Sky High is about a kid, who has parents who are the greatest superheroes in the world, and is high time to study to his parents' Alma Mater, which is Sky High. Sky High, apparently is a school where sons and daughters of superheroes go to study. Think of Hogwarts in Harry Potter. It's funny, especially for a comic geek like me. You've got to watch it.



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