Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Harry Potter and Me

This is bad... I finished reading a thick book within a span of 3 days (4 counting Saturday night). I sometimes surprise myself. I don't usually read books like I said in my previous entry, but somehow, this book (or shall I say series) got me into reading. Right now, I've just finished Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and may I say that it's a very interesting book. It's action packed in the end, though kinda boring when Dumbledore and Harry were "scanning" through the memories of people in search for answers on how to defeat Lord Voldermort. I particularly like the part where Harry was thinking alot of things at the same time, like where Malfoy went, his detention with Snape (that's Professor Snape to you, thank you very much), their upcoming Quidditch tournament and getting jealous over Ginny and Dean. If I was in his shoes, I'd probably go mad. Though in my opinion, Harry could be such a snoop and quite annoying. He should learn to mind his own business. Meanwhile, the battle in Hogwarts really got my blood running. I felt Harry's anger of the whole Snape thing and I got excited just reading how Harry hears this and that and saw this guy on the floor and flash of light almost hit him and all that stuff. It was heart stopping! I salute Ms. Rowlings for intertwining all of that in this book.

To be perfectly honest, I haven't read the first four books. I just saw the films. Though, it did give me a good visualization of the Harry Potter world which helped me a lot. Now that I have nothing left to read, I guess I'll find the first four books that my brother bought some time ago and read it all over again. It's as if there are some parts that I've missed that transpired in the first four and was mentioned in the Order of the Phoenix and the Half Blood Prince. I've never got hooked on a book before. And I hope this will be a beginning of something good. Though, let's just hope that it lasts.

Mischeif Managed!


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