Sunday, August 28, 2005

Something On My Mind

There's this one thing that's been bothering me lately. I don't really know what it is. I'm really bored. I don't want to go home early because, I've really got nothing to do. I have a car and I can't go anywhere far. Well, what's to enjoy in going far if you can't enjoy it with some one or your friends. Then there's this particular question that's been bugging me...

What's my purpose in life?

I have friends but still, I feel alone. I have a loving family but still, I feel alone. I have a job but still, I feel worthless. I have faith in God, but somehow I feel not worthy.

You know, the problem with me is, that I know what I am and am not capable of. I know what I'm doing whether it be good or bad. I know the solution to my own problem. But still, somehow, my life is miserable and I can't do anything about it. Well, I think the right word for it is WON'T. What kind of a person am I to be like that? I have a conscience. And maybe that's the only thing that's sacred to me and preventing me to do my worst.

Damn. I've been mumbling, have I? Oh well.


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