Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Eve

In Australia and New Zealand, it's already a New Year. Here in the Philippines, we're still waiting for the New year. Every New Year's Eve, we usually celebrate the "Media Noche". Right now, everyone's so busy preparing for midnight. By midnight, everyone would try to light some firecrackers to greet the new year. After that, the eating begins. Awright!

Oh... maybe I'll post in the morning. I've got to do my part and help out here. See ya!


Star Wars Trilogy DVD

I've just recently purchased an original copy of the newly released Star Wars Trilogy DVD. And believe me, I wasn't as excited when I first bought the Star Wars Trilogy Video CD. (For those who doesn't know, Video CDs are more popular and cheaper than DVDs here in the Philippines. But it's not as good as a DVD for it has no menus to choose from, always in Full Screen Format and it usually has two discs to view the whole film).

I first watched the Bonus Materials Disc 4. And it was amazing. I watched the behind the scenes of all the Trilogy and somewhere deep inside of me, it inspired me to make my own movie. But sadly, I can't. hehehe. I'm just a humble 3d Animator. But... who knows. ^_^ It also included some behind the scenes for the upcoming Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. It was AWESOME!

Then I watched Episode IV: A New Hope. My cousin (who was born 1989), didn't have the luxury of watching the first Star Wars film before it was remastered. So I kinda introduced him to Star Wars. And somehow he liked it. I told him that the DVD is now a remastered version and that Mr. Lucas added/changed some scenes from the original. It was still great though, watching it.

Earlier, I watched Episode V and VI. And to my surprise, they did some changes from the special edition. In The Empire Strikes Back, they added a small scene when Darth Vader was talking to the Emperor. They also changed the view screen. It was a new Emperor talking to Darth Vader. The old version was the Emperor with a dark face and the people at VFX illuminated his eyes. The new one, you can visibly see the Emperor's face and with an angle. Pretty neat at what you can do with technology nowadays. hehehehe. In Return of the Jedi, in the end, in the shot where everyone was celebrating and Luke Skywalker was looking at the ghosts of Obi Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Anakin Skywalker, they replaced Sebastian Shaw's (the actor who played the unmasked Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker) image with Hayden Christensen (who we know as the kid who played Anakin Skywalker before he becomes Darth Vader). It was cool, though I kinda feel sorry for Sebastian Shaw. His image was there for the past 2 decades and now in the new DVD, they omitted him.

So now, after watching the whole of it, I've come to appreciate the Star Wars Trilogy DVD. And I'm now anxiously awaiting Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith. Psyche! ^_^


Thursday, December 30, 2004

December 30 - A Day to Remember

Today's my big brother's birthday. So, Happy Birthday, "Kuya". Kuya means Older brother in Tagalog.

Today also happens to be the 108th Death Anniversary of our National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal. Dr. Jose Rizal was a brillant man full of charisma. He was well educated. He knows alot of languages and has been to many parts of the world. He fought the revolution against the Spaniards with the use of his writings and his famous novels Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not) and El Filibusterismo (The Filibuster). I've been reading the newspaper earlier and I was kinda proud upon reading that the Antiquities Advisory Board of HongKong placed a commemorative plaque on where Jose Rizal used to reside in his stay in HongKong. They also placed one of those plaques on the site of the clinic where Rizal practiced as an opthalmologist.

It's times like these that makes me proud of who I am... A Filipino!


Actual footage of Dr. Jose Rizal's Execution in Bagumbayan (later known as Luneta), Dec 30, 1896

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

We Won

Well, this was just in... our movie won the Best Visual Effects in the current MMFF. Even so. I'm still upset with those people. And the process. If they want the local movie industry to flourish, they should try to change their old habits.


Kinda Upset

During the Christmas Seasons here in the Philippines, Metro Manila always hold what you may call a Film Festival. Well, as you might have guessed, it's called the Metro Manila Film Festival or MMFF. This is where great and talented Moviemakers show their stuff and compete with each other to know who's the best of the best in the local movie industry. During this season also, foreign films are not allowed to be shown on the cinemas (that is until January 1 I think). What a bummer. That's one of the reasons why The Lord of the Rings Trilogy were always set for a January playdate... hehehe.

Anyway, that's not the reason why I'm upset. During these couple of months, we've been doing some CG work on one of the entries in the MMFF. It's called "Lastikman: Unang Banat". Lastikman is the Philippine version of (you guessed it...) Plastic Man. Unang Banat means First Stretch, meaning it's supposed to be a prequel... of something (There were 2 previous movies of Lastikman before it and none of them have any connection to the other. So I wish they should've removed that "unang banat" thing since, it's not a prequel of anything. Sheesh... ). Back to my story... Well, we did the CG work for the said film, and I must say that we were all impressed with ourselves when we were doing it. For the first time in Philippine Cinema History, our film is supposed to be the film with the most number of CG effects; from the OBB (Opening BillBoard), to the main sequences. Though Lastikman is the local version of Plastic Man, the director made it look like a local version of Spiderman (the movie version that is). Lastikman goes swinging about using his elongated arms. Aaaanyway, when we were doing it on the computer, it was great! It was animated, lighted and composited. It was really great. We were patting ourselves on the back.

Then Why So Upset?

Maybe you're asking, why I'm that upset. Well, earlier, I decided to watch the movie in the cinemas (Yeah, yeah... we were not invited to the movie premiere,which was a complete bummer by the way). While I was watching it, let's just say it's not what I expected it to be. When the lights went off, I was hanging to the edge of my seat. Excited on what I'm about to see. The opening sequence apperead. All is where it's supposed to be. Lastikman saves the day, doing his "Lastik" things. It was great. Then came the OBB... hmmm... it was kinda funny. When we were viewing the OBB that we made in the Studio, it was kinda different. It was alot faster in the film. Believe me, I know about the Frames Per Second Ratio and they told us it was the same as it was in the film. Somehow, when they were in the final edit, they made it go faster so it looked very awkward. But I was still impressed. Especially after hearing the kids laughing and cheering. hehehe.... ^_^ Then the actual movie starts. I get to see the CG animation that I did and I 'm happy that I did.

I'm happy of the CG work. Though the story... the story was kinda lame. First, they tried to rip off the story from the Spiderman Movie. Second, the placement of each scene was not right. What do I mean, you ask? Well, let me explain. There was this scene where the Villain is causing havoc in a rural town, then a newspaper comes flying into the screen showing not the incident but of sightings of Lastikman. Then the next scene continues where Lastikman's alterego didn't know anything about the incident and continued on with his life trying to woo the leading lady. Pretty lame, huh? Oh! Plus, in the story, they killed atleast 3 children which I think was a total No-No for a film made for Kids. It was so violent. They should've gave it a R rating. I texted my CG supervisor (who happens to be a friend of mine) and told him how disappointed I was.

Well, I shouldn't have been surprised by that because when we first jumped on board, we were given the script and read it. The first time we read it, we were like... HUH? WHAT WAS THAT? A POOR EXCUSE FOR A SPIDERMAN RIPOFF. We still took the job though, because, as they say, it was a first in Philippine Cinema History. Doing dozens and dozens of CG work all in a matter of 2 and a half months? It's a miracle that we finished it. hehehe...

This Blog is getting long. So to sum it all up. I'm upset at the story and whoever wrote it. I'm upset at the director for not having a clear vision of what he was doing and should've stayed doing Soft-porn films. And lastly, I'm upset at the VFX Supervisor (different from the CG supervisor), for not knowing his job and still proceeded with his gut instincts an ruined everything.


Humble Beginnings

Okay. This is my first crack out this Blog thingy. I don't really know if I'm excited about it or not. To be honest, I don't even know what a Blog is and how you use it. All I know is it's like some sort of online journal of your uh... journal. Right...

Well, first off, I'm glad that our other phone got reconnected again. Without it, I can't go online. I was planning on gong out when the guys from the phone company came in and connected the line. On the lighter side, when we first contacted the phone company, they told us that it would take like a week or two to reconnect it. Good thing was, there were very few customers that needs reconnecting this season so, there they were.

After reconnecting the line, I didn't realize that I have to face a bigger problem. I don't know how to set up the modem. To be honest, I'm not really computer literate. That's the trouble when you let your older brother handle all the computer stuff. He could be laughing his @$$ off right now... that is if he gets to read this blog. He's in Australia by the way, so any help from him would be utterly useless (and expensive). Well, thank God for my cousin, who's just a line away. He's as literate in computers as my brother so I called him up and got to set up the stupid modem. In the end, I get to install it and here I am.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I'm still downloading some stuff for my "proposed" webcomic. I do hope I get to make one this time. hehehe....