Tuesday, November 22, 2005

To Hell and Back

Hello! To all the avid readers of my blog, sorry if I haven't posted anything for the past few uh... weeks. I've been kind of busy lately. Anyway, here I am again, posting away. There have been a lot of things that transpired during the course of my absence.

First off, I would like to announce that the official site of HOODWINKEDis up and running. You guys can check out the trailer there. I don't know if it's already official, but the tentative premiere of the film here in the Philippines would be on December 17. And let me make an open statement about the movie. I know there have been alot of talk about the movie in some of the CG forums (sadly, most of the comments are bad). For the record, to our detractors, we openly admit that our movie is not at par with those of PIXAR and DREAMWORKS for there are certain factors why it came to be. If we had been told earlier that the project would extend to some length in time, we could have done better. But seriously speaking, the story is great. I'll bet you'll laugh your asses off. So please, give Hoodwinked a chance before you decide to not watch it because you think the trailer sucks. Anyways, we're happy that we got the movie out and we hope that you guys would love it.

Second, I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last week. Before you go on, there might be spoilers here and there in this topic, so a word of caution. I must say that this film is darker than The Prizoner of Azkaban. Though, I have trouble appreciating the film. Why, do you ask? Well, first, the pacing of the film is so fast. I don't know if it's just me, but, I think the the director really wanted to go directly to the Triwizard Tournament and decided to make some quick cuts in the beginning. Second, if you're a purist of the book (or maybe you've only read the book), you will notice how many things got cut out like the Dursleys, S.P.E.W, Ludo Bagman, Dobby and Winky the house elves. I don't know why they have to remove Dobby in this one. Dobby sort of played an important role in the Goblet of Fire. The same with Ludo Bagman. The trouble with removing such characters is placing their roles to other characters. For example, Dobby gave Harry the gillyweed in the book. In the movie, they made Neville give Harry the gillyweed being a star student in Herbology and knowing such stuff. Though, come to think of it, I think it must be necessary, for the book is a seven-hundred plus pager and it would be difficult for the film makers to adapt it to the big screen. I had a hard time appreciating the film mainly because I expected too much out of it storywise. I was so in to the book that I got forgot to separate the HP world of the book to the HP world of the film. But all in all, the film is awesome... Effects-wise.

Third, since last week was a payday weekend, without hesitation, I bought DVDs of Revenge of the Sith, War of the Worlds, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Ghostbusters 1 & 2 and the 1976 version of King Kong. I already finished watching King Kong, the 2 Ghostbusters movie, and War of the Worlds respectively. While watching King Kong and the 2 Ghostbusters movie, I can't help but feel nostalgic. Most especially the Ghostbusters. I grew up liking the film and the cartoon spin-off. And for some time I've been looking for a DVD of it. Good thing last friday there was this sale at ASTROVISION and there I found the boxed set of Ghostbuster 1 & 2. King Kong on the other hand... hmmm... I'm not really sure why, but back then, watching the film scared the shit out of me. Imagine a big gorilla running around the city. But now, after watching it again, it makes me feel silly. I suddenly realized that the film is just about a big horny ape that has the hots for Jessica Lang. By the way, Jessica Lang was hot back then. She's also one of the reasons why I watched the film in the first place back then. Hehehe. Now, War of the Worlds isn't as scary when watched on DVD. It's scarier when you watch it on film.

Well, that's just about it. Starting tomorrow we'll go on a 2 shift work day so we could finish a project that was given to us in such short notice. I ended up in the evening shift. Though, it's just temporary. It'll only take 3 weeks. Right after that, the premiere. I can't wait to see our movie on the big screen.
