Monday, June 12, 2006

La Di Da

It's been a boring past few weeks. Nothing exciting has happened in my life. A little sideline here and there. Sigh... My brother asked me why I don't write something interesting about myself this past few days. All I write are some reviews about Korean dramas. Well, for one thing, I love watching k-dramas and also, it keeps me inspired. My life isn't complete without watching one (or two). Recently, I've been browsing and found this korean gameshow called X-Man. So recently, watching it keeps me up all night. Funny thing is... I don't quite understand what they are all saying since there are no subs available. But I do enjoy watching my favorite korean actors and actresses compete against one another and be the so called X-man. It's fun to see them making fools out of themselves.

Also, I'm planning to take up Korean lessons. I would really like to learn korean so all those k-drama/k-movies watching won't end up in vain. (Some k-dramas that I bought have very poor english subtitles, so it's really a pain understanding what the actors are saying). Well, but then again, if you know me better, this would probably just end up as a plan and won't go anywhere. Feh. I really want to, that is, if I have the budget.

I didn't realize before that my car's headlight on the right side is not working. I think it's an electrical thing since both bulbs on my headlights were bought and installed at the same time. Problem is, I can't take it to a service center tomorrow since it's Independence Day here in the Philippines (reads public holiday). Speaking of Independence Day, Happy Birthday to my cousin Patrick (formerly known as KP). Yo! Kuya KP. I hope you don't mind if we keep calling you KP. It kinda stuck. Anyways, Happy Birthday.

For those of you who haven't seen Disney's/Pixar's CARS, go watch it. It's such a nice film about talking... uh, cars. It's a film for the whole family. Pixar has done it again. Being a 3D animator myself, I just can't help being in awe while watching the film. There goes the 3D industry. Every film that Pixar puts out, it adds a notch to the level of quality for a 3D feature film. Small 3d studios (or big ones even) can't help themselves being compared to that monster company. It's really hard to catch up with Pixar.

Anyways, I feel like I've been babbling here for a couple of hours. And it's already midnight. Got to watch x-man... or rather, go to sleep I mean. heheh..



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